Zygomycetous Fungi in Wild Rats in Vembanadu Wetland Agroecosystem

Author Details

Manuel Thomas and M. Thangavel

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Published: 19 September 2018 | Article Type :


Fungal infections with zygomycetous fungi are exceptionally severe, with high mortality rate. Immunocompromised hosts, transplant recipients, and diabetic patients with uncontrolled ketoacidosis and high iron serum levels are at risk. Zygomycota are capable of infecting hosts immune to other filamentous fungi. However, zygomycetous fungi not get due consideration and the present study is an attempt to explore the range of zygomycetous fungal pathogens carried by wild rats in a wetland agroecosystem. A total of 16 fungi was isolated and identified from the 40 rats (Rattus norvegicus) collected. Among the isolates, Syncephalastrum racemosum was more common (75%) followed by Rhizopus stolonifer (67.5%), Absidia corymbifera (62.5%) and Cunninghamella bertolletiae (57.5%). The familywise analysis revealed a preponderance of family Mucoraceae (18.75%) followed by Incertae sedis and Cunninghamellaceae (12.5% each). Water rats of Vembanadu-Kol wetland agroecosystem are potent carriers of zygomycetous fungi and strong carrier paths are existing too. The ecology and transmission dynamics of these rodentborne zygomycetous fungi are complex. The factors that influence transmission are unique to each fungi and the fluctuations in rodent population or their habitat exerts profound influence too.

Keywords: Zygomycetous Fungi, Vembanadu Wetland, Agroecosystem, Rattus Norvegicus.

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How to Cite


Manuel Thomas and M. Thangavel. (2018-09-19). "Zygomycetous Fungi in Wild Rats in Vembanadu Wetland Agroecosystem." *Volume 2*, 3, 21-24